Lauren Kircher
22 September 2019
In Cinderella the "rags to riches" narrative is unrealistic as is magic of course. Cinderella is aided by her mother through various figures and receives gifts through magic. In reality no one can reach success or riches by magic since fairytale magic doesn't exist in real life. As much as I wish it did exist it does not. Another more feasible way some people reach riches is marriage. The most common example that comes to mind would be arranged marriages. The stigma around arranged marriage is often negative but, in a few cases there are happy arranged marriages. Arranged marriages are also heavily prevalent in fairytales. For example, in Sleeping Beauty Aurora is meant to marry the prince when she is 16 years old and it's decided when she is a baby. In Cinderella she doesn't even know her prince before hand and still marries him. In today's world success comes from connections, hard work, and accountability in the work place. You need to have components of leadership and be able to think for yourself to make the right decisions.

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